Sunday, October 4, 2009

So much to do, so little time

J asked the other day what I would like for Christmas this year. My response was something like, "Another hour or two a day..."

September has felt like May this year. I'm not kidding-- I've been running non-stop during the week, which I expect, but I've been booked solid every weekend. And as much as I love the month of May... I. HATE. IT. The busy-ness is too much. On top of the endless running, I got sick and was out of it for nearly 2 1/2 weeks. ICK. But I pushed through, like the trooper I am, and this weekend was almost boring we had so little to do :) Next weekend- not so much... J's going to be gone to NC with Scott for a Wake Forest football game and some NC fall golfing while I stay home and go to a dance show in Toledo with Samantha. Sunday will be our nephew's last Little Gridders football game of this year, so I'll be at that too. It will be busy, but not nearly as busy as the last few weeks.

On a downside, our neighbors got a new dog, I think (or it's been visiting for a few days) and it is tied outside right now. When they tie it out, it whimpers and barks nearly non-stop. It is irrrrrrratating. Something needs to be done about that before I throw open my back door and start screaming. Stuff like that gets on my nerves. UGH.


  1. I love Toledo!!! I'm jealous you are going! :D

  2. Interestingly enough-- we didn't see much of Toledo-- just went to the Arena for the dance show and left...
